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charleyfarley 12:58 Sun Dec 24
Away fans in West Ham end
Was at the match yesterday block 135 after the third goal went in the bloke in front of me lunges at two supporters next to him after they decided to celebrate Newcastle's third goal they started scrapping, the steward who obviously had never seen a fight break out before and looked like he was about to have a coronary intervened and with the help of some of the other stewards managed to get them out before they got badly damaged.
Is this a common occurrence now? The two Newcastle fans must be brave stupid or don't understand football rivalries
Is this down to the club letting away fans in to West Ham areas or do they believe like i do that nobody would be stupid enough to buy tickets in to a West Ham fans area

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my left foot 11:10 Tue Dec 26
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
At the Chelsea game I noticed as being next to the away fans in the west stand you can’t walk counter clockwise round the ground after the game as to not clash with away fans as it’s fenced off. So I noticed some gloomy looking fans post match walking towards the closed gate not knowing it, so you knew who they supported. I counted about 5 fans walking towards the dead end.

bruuuno 4:02 Mon Dec 25
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
Happy Christmas norm mate

AKA ERNIE 3:10 Mon Dec 25
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
haha love it norm hope you and the family are having a great xmas

normannomates 2:57 Mon Dec 25
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
3 of us strolled about Tottenham high Rd in yids scarfs (nicked off a yid stall)whilst the game was going on..I even donned a bobble hat..
Should see the look on their boats when being clumped by 'one of their own'....

4ever-blowin-bubbles 9:14 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
ive been in the away end for 2 games this season watford and arsenal and yes i know we lost both and were rubbish and im getting a ticket in the brighton supporters when they play but sometimes its the only way to get to an away game
i wear no colours and just grit my teeth when we score and be happy inside

Hermit Road 6:48 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
It’s happened for years. Since CCTV meant that you got banned for years and a sentence for clumping someone. Remember against Liverpool about 10 years ago there was two coachloads of Scandinavian Liverpool fans celebrating in the Upper West.

Always been away fans, some open their mouths, most don’t.

Side of Ham 6:18 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
You do that OneTwat.

Johnson 6:09 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
Thanks Sven will add him to the list

Side of Ham 6:08 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
.....and you’re offended by that after all the slagging he gives to West Han fans in general?.....it was aimed at his reason to walk when he’s slagged off mine reason to stop going as not being good enough or brushed it off as a lie as he wrote just below.

I couldn’t give a fuck either way about your reasons or thousands of others reasons i just don’t like the cunt who posts as OneTwatof Many>Johnson>Pseudonyms and him digging out my reason.

Sven Roeder 6:02 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
Bloke I used to work with is a Man City fan and got a couple of season tickets as his boy wanted to see some Premier league football. Think he told me they came to see all the big teams and he gave the tickets to supporters of other teams he knows when their teams were playing.
I imagine that’s reasonably common.
People sitting in our areas Coming To See the Stars of Man City ( Man U Liverpool Chelsea Spurs etc). Which is what our owners wanted

Mike Oxsaw 5:51 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
"I basically stopped going for a good family reason and finances you’ve just walked away."

I just walked away.

Side of Ham 5:32 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
Where have i said that then in my post coxsore? It’s that dick that slag ‘newbies’ when he was one himself and also calls many of those that do go lapdogs, he’ll also slag you if you was to suddenly decide to comeback and buy a season ticket.

What is wrong with SOME of you distant dicks?

Mike Oxsaw 5:21 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
Side of Ham 4:53 Sun Dec 24

Hey! I - MEEeeee! - I walked away from going to games over 2 decades ago. Not for family, certainly, in fact not for any other than the selfish reason that I wanted to build myself a career, a lifestyle, success. It was a simple, binary choice and there were no "middle options".

I've had no chance to go back since. If I am less of a fan, kindly explain why.

Johnson 4:58 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
Ever heard the phrase the lady doth protest too much, Snide?

Side of Ham 4:53 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
Johnson because you are a loner and don’t have the responsibility of a family (obviously not a good catch eh :) you won’t understand that East London people tend to put family infront of West Ham as that is now for a few decades a high financial outgoing which i won’t put over close personal well being for a family member.You went with your dad so i’m sure if he was be gravely ill and it made your work commitments more sporadic you would ‘give up’ an expensive spectator sport for a while if you didn’t have the free funds. Because you come from a place where you don’t want to be amongst your own i understand why you’d put your allegiance elsewhere far away and more lively, but please understand you know little of the people or the places in the catchment and surrounding areas of West Ham United to even really understand being from East London and it’s family bonds.

I basically stopped going for a good family reason and finances you’ve just walked away. You can’t just walk away if everything around you is represented by the club.

You adopted it and i was born into it just except it and stop slagging West Ham fans for not being able to give it up easily by calling them lapdogs.

Enjoy your Cringemas with kodi OneTwatofMany>Johnson>Pseudonyms

Andrew Ware 4:45 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
Fifth Column:-
Agreed that’s the norm.
But Have to say when we played Spurs in the cup the other week I and quite a few other West Ham were in their seats.
We observed the rule for our first goal. There were more than a few twitching when we got back to 2-2 and I and many others were on our feet when the third went in.
Granted a few got stewarded out immediately after but there were still a lot of us in there at full time and able to work our way over to the partitioned seats by our lot.

swindon hammer 4:41 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
This is not a new thing. It's happened plenty of times over the years at Upton Park with Liverpool, Man Utd and other London clubs fans being in the home end and getting grief when they have celebrated goals.

Obviously having an extra 22k capacity there is more chance of this happening.

Non story.

Mike Oxsaw 3:46 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
All part of being in a family-friendly environment.

Karren sees football fans as all one big happy family when it comes to selling tickets.

Share the love.

Mart O 3:33 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
"all of Soldo's mates looking to re-live their past"

Ag !

Fifth Column 2:48 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
There was handbags between two of our own fans in the aisle between 133 and 132 yesterday,

This old geezer who's constantly telling the kiddy stewards to fuck off for no reason and some bloke in the front row.

The old geezer seems to wind someone up every week. Eventually he's going to get done. It was only because other fans stopped the one in the front row from getting up the aisle that stopped him getting punched.

Fifth Column 2:46 Sun Dec 24
Re: Away fans in West Ham end
There are always away fans in home ends. I've done it several times. But you don't wear colours and you don't celebrate

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